Honors and Awards

Scholarship recipient to attend AI-DLDA 2020 international summer school on arti cial intelligence from deep learning to data analytics, June 29-July3, 2020.

Won the Hariri Institute for Computing Graduate Student Fellowship which recognizes outstanding PhD students who pursue computational and data-driven research at Boston University, June 2019. (Award amount: $7500)

Brilliant BUD Awardee, this distinction enabled me to be a distinguished presenter at the 4th Annual BU Data Science (BUDS) Day poster session and present our research/project during the Student Lightning talk portion of the program. The Brilliant BUD Award recognizes outstanding students who have showed dedication to their studies and have shown in-depth knowledge of their research. The recognition comes from a nomination, in my case from Professor Stan Sclaroff.

Recognized as Quora Top Writer on March 15th, 2018.

SciPy18 Top Reviewer, March 3rd, 2018.

Received Full Gold Scholarship to attend ODSC East 2018, January 29th, 2018.

I got travel grant from WiNLP to present our paper as a poster on June 1st, 2018 at NAACL18, New Orlean, LA.

Received a travel grant to attend Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT*) conference Feb23rd-Feb24th, 2018 in New York University School of Law, NY.

Offer of 5-year fellowship from Boston University for Computer Science Ph.D. studies in Computer Vision, February 1st, 2017.

Chef diversity scholarship recipient for attending ChefConf'16, Austin, TX, June 2016.

Received "golden brick" honor for unsung but critical tasks in representing WACM, University of Wisconsin-Madison CS department, Madison, WI, May 4th, 2016.

Twitter and Bloomberg grant recipient for attending SREcon16, Santa Clara, CA, April 2016.

Awarded the travel scholarship to attend the CRA-W Graduate Cohort Workshop CRA-W Spring 2013 (Boston, MA) and 2016 (San Diego, CA).

Google travel scholarship recipient for attending Google UBIQUITY, Beyond the Internet of Things, San Francisco, CA, January 2016.

Awarded Google Anita Borg Institute scholarship for attending GHC15 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Houston, TX, Summer 2015.

Awarded Major League Hacking travel scholarship for attending mHacks6, University of Michigan, MI, Summer 2014 and 2015.

Awarded Google travel scholarship to attend VLDB15, Hawai'i, Summer 2015.

Awarded travel scholarship to attend TACC Supercomputing Summer Institute, Austin, TX, 2015.

Awarded full CS departmental funding for attending Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC14), Phoenix, AZ, Summer 2014.

Received the scholarship to attend IEEE BigData 2014 Conference and First Hands-On Workshop on Leveraging High Performance Computing Resources for Managing Large Datasets (IEEE BigData’14), Washington DC, September 2014

Awarded travel scholarship to attend HackTech - the biggest hackathon in West Coast, Los Angeles, CA, December 2013.

Apple Scholarship recipient for attending Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC13), Minneapolis, MN, Summer 2013.

Offer of admission to computer engineering graduate program, by Shahid Beheshti University Brilliant Office, September 2009.

Ranked 2nd among graduated students of hardware engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Class 2009.

Passed the first national round of Persian Language and Literature Olympiad, 2003.

Admitted to NODET high school (National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents–designated for top 5% of the entire high school students in the country), 2001.

Ranked 2nd in watercolor contest among all the middle school students of Tehran and suburbs, 1999.

Ranked 2nd in mathematics Olympiad among all the middle school students of Tehran and suburbs, 1999.